Sunday, October 5, 2014

Wonder Wednesdays

Since the beginning of school, our teacher has been doing Wonder Wednesday with us.  On these days, we start by looking at a picture from the internet, usually from the Wonderopolis website.  Then we spend a few minutes recording our thoughts, ideas, and wonders in our Wonder Journal.  We write questions we have, observations we make and what we think the picture is.  We can share our ideas using sentences or pictures.  After that, we share our ideas with our classmates for a few minutes.  Finally, our Wonder Wednesday time ends with our teacher showing us the question, information and video related to that Wonder.  Doing Wonder Wednesday helps us to be more curious, which is one of the Classroom Habitudes we've been talking about.  We have even started a "Wonder Wall" in our classroom, where we can post any wonder that we have.

Here are the wonders we've done so far this year.

The first week's picture...

Here is what some of us wrote about this picture...


The actual question was: How much is a sand dollar worth?

The second week's picture...

Here is what some of us wrote about this picture...

The acutal question was: Who invented Lego blocks?

The third week's picture...

Here is what some of us wrote about this picture...

The actual question was: Do polka dots dance?  This was during "International Dot Week"!

The fourth week's picture...

Here is what some of us wrote about this picture...


The actual question was: What inspires you?

And the most recent Wonder Wednesday picture...

Here is what some of us wrote about this picture...

The actual question was: Why do leaves change color in autumn?

We were wondering...

What did you wonder about when you saw those pictures?
What's something that you're curious about?  What question would you want to put on our Wonder Wall?

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