Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Celebrating Our Learning!

It was great to see so many families come out for our Open House tonight.  As the teacher, I love the opportunity to sit back and watch the students take the lead and share what they do in the classroom and what they have learned.  The students did a fantastic job of following their "lesson plan" and they should be proud for a job well done.

The pictures that follow show some of the activities and learning that was shared tonight...
One of the activities had the students sharing their reading goal and strategies using our CAFE menu.

To share their geometry learning, the students talked about the 3D skeleton they created today.

Estimating the number of candies using a referent was another activity the students completed with their parents.  There were 25 candies in the cup and the task was to estimate the number of candies in the jar with the red lid.  How many candies do YOU think there are?  We will find out in the morning and will post the answer in the comments section.

Watching the students ask their parents questions from our morning math routine is always entertaining!

The students enjoyed sharing their portfolio binder with their parents.  It's amazing to see how much they've grown as learners since the beginning of the year!

There was some great conversations between parents and their child as they reflected on "3 Stars" and then set a couple of goals to work towards during this last term.

We were wondering...

If you attended tonight's Open House, what was your favourite activity?
If you didn't attend tonight's Open House, how do you share your learning?

1 comment:

  1. The estimating winners were Logan and his Mom as well as Orion and her Dad. There were actually 375 candies and they both estimated 400. Nice work!


We'd love to hear your thoughts! In the "Comment as:" drop down menu, please be sure to use the "Name/URL" option to comment so we can see who's sending us a comment! Please identify yourself as "Jaydon's Mom" or "Brianna's Grandpa" or "Mrs. Smith in grade 6" and you don't need to put anything in the URL section. (Note: Anonymous comments won't be approved.)