Friday, March 15, 2013

An African Treat

We were so excited to be a part of Jacky's Village on Thursday morning!  This special performance was a group of 3 people from Africa who shared music, dance and stories from Cameroon, Guinea and Zimbabwe.  We learned that many of the amazing instruments are handmade from wood and animal skin.  The music just made us want to dance!
(The lighting in our gym is not very good for taking pictures, so they aren't the best quality...but you will get an idea of what we saw!)

The maraca type shakers are made out of gourds that are cut, cleaned out and then dried.  Small items are added to the sides and these are what make the noise.

One of our classmates even got to go up and try out one of the instruments!

When we got back to the classroom, we talked about how we could learn about African music, dancing and storytelling from our textbook, but how much more interesting it is to see it first hand performed by someone from Africa! 

(Mrs. Braybrook has some videos from the performance but she had trouble getting them uploaded.  She'll get some help and hopefully they will be up soon!)

We were wondering...

Have you ever seen an African music or dance performance?

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