Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MonstroCity Newscasts

With our student teacher, Ms. V., our class has been doing many different activities around the theme of creating a MonstroCity.

In writing, we've been learning about adding adjectives in front of nouns to make our writing more descriptive. To help us practice, we wrote newscasts from MonstroCity and then used the ipads to videotape them. Ms. V. then put them together and created a Youtube video. Check them out!

We were wondering...

Have you ever written and performed a newscast before?
What news story would you want to share?


  1. Those news casts are great! I think we have some future journalists in the making, good work 3C!

    Special good job to Aidan!!

  2. Nice work 3C! I see you've all worked hard this year and are becoming very descriptive readers!
    Nice to see you all smiling and having fun too!


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